
Hattie will be 16 months old this month so her tantrums have only just begun and already I can feel myself dreading the horrendous tantrums that are on their way.

Right now, she’ll scream and cry over absolutely everything! But all of the tantrums start with a simple two letter word that sends my good girl into a red ball of fury and that word is the dreaded “NO!”

Its her worst word to hear but recently her favourite to say. She replies to anything with a no and then a shrug of her shoulders. My girl has far too much sass for her own good. She’s got the funniest attitude and the worst patience so of course she has about 30 plus tantrums daily with that mix of personality. Its safe to say she always keeps me on my toes.

I started off by showing her attention while she had a tantrum, trying to calm her and help her through it but now, as it happens daily, I leave her have a little cry and scream and then when she’s calmed down I’ll ask for a kiss and off she pops, happy as Larry pushing new boundaries that I will once again have to tell her that’s wrong.

Today she had the biggest tantrum yet. I was the worst mum by making sure her little booty is covered by the dreaded nappy. She screamed, pulled my hair all the while I was struggling with this bloody nappy! Once it was on, she sat on the floor, sobbing, trying to pull her nappy off and when she couldn’t she laid on the floor, face down crying her little heart out. All because I put her nappy on!

But of course, like every tantrum, it came abruptly to an end when she spotted her dolly.

One thing every parent needs to keep in mind while they watch their child cry and scream over absolutely nothing is that..


And after those little tantrums, they will once again turn back into your little angels where butter wouldn’t melt.. And of course that happens five minutes before dad walks through the door.


dinner time.

Hattie will be 15 months on the 18th and some days she loves dinner time and others she despises it. There really is nothing more enjoyable than seeing Hattie eating and there’s also nothing more infuriating than trying to convince her to eat.

Tonight is one of those nights that she is despising dinner time. She normally loves fish pie but tonight it’s like I am trying to force her to eat warmed up shit. (Sorry about the bluntness).

I try everything with her. I even put Peppa Pig on my phone for her to watch as a little distraction but when she doesn’t want to eat, nothing will work. So here I am, googling the shit out of “how to make a toddler eat dinner” with the biggest stress headache of all time. Who said parenting was easy? Most definitely not me.

My hat goes off to all other parents going through the same struggle as I am, day in and day out. We could definitely be classed as the modern day super hero right?

Who knew a toddler refusing to eat could stress you out so much. They’re so little and so perfect but so bloody stubborn. So from today onwards I will be following a few steps that my trusty old friend Google gave me and jotting down the results and then writing a blog post in the hope that if the tips help me then they can also help other parents who like me either need a giant glass of wine or a giant pillow to scream into. I am choosing the wine.